Suki Waterhouse Clapped Back at ‘Gossip Girl’ for Making a Joke at Her Expense

"Make it make sense," the actress tweeted.

Spotted on Twitter: Suki Waterhouse clapping back at the Gossip Girl revival for making a joke at her expense. No XOXO here, just Waterhouse choosing to call out what she sees as a bit of hypocrisy. 

In Episode 3 of the HBO Max series, cool teen Luna (Zión Moreno) schools newcomer Zoya (Whitney Peak) in brand management after the tabloids call her and her new boyfriend Obie (Eli Brown), who happens to be New York royalty, the Prince and the Popo. “When are you going to get it?” Luna says to Zoya. “As far as the press is concerned, he’s R-Patz and you’re Suki Nobody.” 

No one can blame Waterhouse for feeling a bit uneasy over the line that references her relationship with Robert Pattinson, who she’s been linked to since 2018. (In April, the two were spotted together once again.) A week after the episode aired, she decided to share her thoughts on the joke that she didn’t find very funny. 

“Another day to be reminded that women can also be the patriarchy,” Waterhouse tweeted alongside a screenshot from that same episode of Monet and Luna shouting, “Fuck the patriarchy.” She also tagged Gossip Girl writer Lila Feinberg, who wrote the episode in question, in the tweet, which Glamour captured.

In a separate tweet, Waterhouse wrote, “Seeing critiques of the patriarchy and sexism, then I get name-checked as somebody’s nobody girlfriend. Make it make sense.”

As Glamour pointed out, both tweets have since been deleted, but the internet is forever. Feinberg has yet to comment on Waterhouse’s tweets. Knowing Gossip Girls penchant for pop culture digs, Waterhouse may just be the first of many celebs to walk away from an episode with hurt feelings.

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