Don’t leave early! Apparently something HUGE will happen during the “Suicide Squad” credits!

In the world of Marvel, we have all grown accustomed to fidgeting in our seats at the end of the films eagerly awaiting the post-credit scenes. Whether it features something as simple as The Avengers eating shawarma or something more plot driven like The Collector at the end of Thor 2, fans know better than to leave right away.

Warner Bros./DC Films, however, has yet to follow suit, BUT fans can expect a…WAIT FOR IT…mid-credit sequence when Suicide Squad hits theaters!

via giphy reports that the sequence will not only be essential, but “pivotal and important.”

The scene is said to take place after the credits sequence, or bumper, rolls and uses the same imagery from the posters and character art. Although there isn’t a post-credits scene at the moment, that could change after the film’s official release.

via giphy

Speculations suggest that the super-villains centered film could set up a solo Batman movie or hint at a Harley Quinn spin-off. Or, in the style of Marvel, the scene could help set up the already confirmed Suicide Squad sequel. The movie will also feature a cameo by The Flash’s Ezra Miller whose appearance could help tie-in the Justice League film, could that be it??

Whatever the answer, we thankfully don’t have to wait too long to find out.

Suicide Squad premieres on August 5th, 2016.