Looks like the Suicide Squad has a bat problem

We knew that Suicide Squad was packed with anti-heroes, but we weren’t sure which superheroes would have to deal with them all. Turns out, it’s Batman.

Two fan-captured videos from the Toronto set of Suicide Squad have surfaced, and both suggest those rumors about a Batman cameo are TOTALLY true.

One fan captured Harley Quinn (played by Margot Robbie) and the Joker (A green-haired Jared Leto) speeding through the streets in a hot pink, crazy-looking car. And who’s that perched on top of it? See for yourself.

Off in another corner of the DC comic universe, Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice is filming. Taking a page out of Marvel’s movie playbook, DC is going to intertwine these movies together, and that is a great idea, you guys. Both Ben Affleck (aka Batman) and Jesse Eisenberg (who plays villain Lex Luther) are rumored to be in Suicide Squad, and this leaked video seems to confirm those rumors.

And if you’re still not convinced, check out this other leaked video of the Batmobile on the Suicide Squad set. (Skip ahead to :25, unless you’re big into deserted Toronto sidewalks.)

While both videos are quick, and there’s no way to even tell if that’s Affleck in the bat-suit, let alone driving his vehicle, we’re pretty sure a crossover is a-coming. Oh and how cool looking is that Batmobile?

Image via here.