New ‘Suffragette’ posters are here, and they’re mighty fierce

We’ve been not-so patiently waiting for the release of Suffragette, a film about the pioneers of early feminist movement in the UK’s late 19th and early 20th century. Starring some of our fave ladies in Hollywood — Meryl Streep, Helena Bonham Carter, Carey Mulligan — the movie will highlight the challenges women faced to gain equality, and reveal the measures these courageous women took to fight for their rights. And we’re psyched to see it. While it comes out in theaters October 23rd of this year (I know, I know), we’ve got some bone-chillingly awesome posters to hold us over.

According to Empire Online, the new posters were released today on Emmeline Pankhurst’s birthday (aka Emmeline Pankhurst Day), a day that honors Emmeline Pankhurst‘s vision, strength and passion. Pankhurst —the woman who Streep is playing — was the leader of the women’s suffrage movement who eventually made it possible for women to vote.

The posters, which say “Mothers. Daughters. Rebels” feature a stoic Streep, Mulligan, and Bonham Carter, and yes they look ready to take on the patriarchy.

In this poster of Carey Mulligan, the colors (purple, white, and green) actually represent the colors used in the Suffragette movement, “with purple signifying dignity, white showing purity and green meaning hope,” Empire Online states. “The colors are woven through the movie.”

And if you’re still like, “Ugh but I want more Suffragette things in my life because are you kidding me with the October release date?” Here’s the most recent trailer for the film:

(Images via Focus Features)

We have a trailer for the feminist movie of the year: ‘Suffragette’

A feminist flick starring Meryl Streep and Carey Mulligan? Yes please!