These stuffing recipes are so good they’re making us use FOWL language

Whether you call it “stuffing” or “dressing,” there is no doubt that the dish is a must-have at your Thanksgiving table. The history of stuffing tells us that the term first appeared in English print in 1538, and the reason for the alternative term “dressing” has to do with Victorian aristocracy. (They thought “stuffing” sounded too commoner.)
Today in the United States of America, “stuffing” and “dressing” are both used, though “dressing” is reportedly used more frequently on the West Coast while “stuffing” is used in the South.
Whatever you may call it, if you’re in charge of bringing the stuffing/dressing to your Friendsgiving or Thanksgiving, fear not: We’ve found the most-pinned recipes for stuffing on Pinterest. (If you’re gluten free and/or paleo, our apologies — these recipes are all meat-based.)
Homestyle Sausage Stuffing
This recipe is classic and versatile (and was saved more than 41,000 times on Pinterest).
Turkey Stuffing
This recipe, saved more than 31,000 times, is relatively easy but promises to be tasty!
Classic Traditional Thanksgiving Stuffing
This option, saved more than 25,000 times, is a proven fan favorite.
Grandma’s Thanksgiving Turkey Stuffing
If a recipe has the word “Grandma’s” in it, you know it’s bound to be delicious, tried and true. (This one was saved more than 17,000 times.)
Crockpot Stuffing Recipe
Lastly, this recipe, also saved more than 17,000 times, is meant to be made in a crockpot and therefore bound to be moist.
Ultimately, these five stuffing recipes are the turKEY to a perfect Thanksgiving!