This study says life is harder for today’s Millennial women than it was for our mothers

When it comes to women’s rights, we often point to how far we’ve come. But what if we told you the rights and well-being of Millennial women might actually be on the decline?
A new study from the Population Reference Bureau indicates that socioeconomic progress for young Millennial women has actually started to reverse course.
To complete the study, researchers looked at 14 indicators of social progress, from women’s health and safety to wages and economic equality. Their findings show that baby boomers saw a 66 percent gain in overall well-being, momentum which slowed significantly in the late 20th century.
Now, the study claims that well-being for young women today has declined by 1 percent.
“It looks like Millennial women’s progress has stalled and slightly reversed relative to their mothers’ and their grandmothers’ generations, said Mark Mather, one of the study's authors.
Researchers point to several factors leading to the decline in women’s quality of life: The U.S. maternal mortality rate, for example, has more than doubled since the baby boom generation. More women are incarcerated than ever, and women’s poverty has spiked 37 percent since 2002. Female suicide and overdoses are also up, the study says.
“While some measures are improving, overall the index paints a picture of lost momentum, said Beth Jarosz, who contributed to the report. “Too many women lack the resources and supportive environments they need to live healthier lives and achieve their full potential.
HuffPost points out that the study doesn’t analyze specific demographics, making it harder to see and understand the way race, sexuality, and gender identity affect the rights and safety of young women today. The study does, however, paint a grim picture for the future of all women should we not continue fighting for progress and change.