The “Stranger Things” creators spill the details on who *might* not be dead

Spoiler alert!

We’re already 99.9% sure that we’re getting a second season of Stranger Things (which is a major, like, TG!), and there’s more excitement to be had, because it seems like two characters may not actually be dead. Er, well, that their deaths are more complicated than they seemed, anyway.


Stranger Things creators Matt and Ross Duffer gave IGN the inside scoop:

“I would say that if we were going to kill Brenner… As an audience member watching the show, if that was his death, that would be very unsatisfying to me – when the monster jumps on him and we cut away,” Matt explained. “He would deserve much more than that as an ending. So yes, there’s a possibility of seeing him again.”

Like, OMG. That is so so so exciting, and we’re dying to know EVERYTHING now. As in yesterday.


However, it seems less likely that we’re getting show fave Barb back.

“I can’t see it happening, but Barb will not be forgotten,” Matt told IGN. “We’ll make sure there’s some justice for Barb. People get very frustrated, understandably, that the town doesn’t seem to be really dealing with Barb. That stuff is all happening. We’re just not spending any screen time on it. It’s not like her parents are like ‘Oh Barb left. She died!’”


So there we have it, folks. We’re still in mourning for our dear Barb, but at least we know there’s more to come.

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