“Stranger Things” season 2 confirmed the return of THIS major cast member and we are STOKED

Fans of Stranger Things rejoice! The last time we saw the beloved and brave Eleven, she was using her crazy mind powers to rip apart the Demogorgon that had been terrorizing Hawkins. Because we knew she was already in a pretty weak state and that something as intense as this telepathic takedown might do her in, we were somewhat unclear about the fate of our shaved-headed heroine.
According to TV Line, Millie Bobby Brown (aka Eleven) will return to Stranger Things season 2 after all!
Since we can’t imagine the hit Netflix show without her, it’s super exciting to know we don’t have to!
TV Line had outside sources confirm the cast member’s return and is careful to note that nobody at Netflix has officially announced the news, though that could likely be because they’re (understandably) wanting to leave it a mystery. The show itself hinted that her stand off with the Demogorgon wouldn’t be the last we’d see of Eleven when, in the very last moments of season finale, we see Sheriff Hopper leave a conspicuous snack (including El’s favorite, Eggo waffles) in a hidden box in the woods.
The show’s creators, the Duffer Brothers, have admitted that they purposefully left Eleven’s fate open-ended.
Besides, there are all sorts of fascinating fan theories about Eleven and the Demogorgon that make it entirely possible she could survive such an incredible battle.
The second season of Stranger Things is set to come out sometime in 2017. Now that we know that Millie Bobby Brown will be reprising Eleven, we are seriously counting down the days until we get to see the whole gang back in action.