Stop what you’re doing because ColourPop just launched their biggest eyeshadow collection ever

Oh ColourPop, what did we ever do without their insanely huge array of lovely, creative, and blessedly affordable makeup? We really didn’t think it could get any better than the various makeup collections and sets they released over the last year, but they’ve proven us wrong by releasing their biggest collection ever! Starting today, we’ll be able to buy 31 new single pressed shadows, plus two fixed palettes! That’s an insane amount of eyeshadow, fam!
There’s no doubt that this collection is going to fly off the shelves, so get yourself over there ASAP and get your hands on them! There is so much to choose from! Is there anything better than being able to mix and match your favorite eyeshadow shades?
The two palettes are called lo-key and hi-maintenance, and are both available for $18 each.
Lo-key boasts four shadows in a warm palette filled with orange and red shades in mixed finishes.
Hi-Maintenance is a cranberry palette with four rose and burgundy shades with mixed finishes.
The huge individual Pressed Powder shades run the gamut with a wide range of colors and finishes, and each eyeshadow is available for $5 each.
How will we ever decide?
Whatever you decide, make sure you get over there fast, because a collection this spectacular is bound to sell out FAST. We can’t handle it because we’re beauty junkies, we’re intense, organized, and ON IT. We may have too many palettes already, but that’s literally never stopped any of us from adding to the collection. Life is hard, and makeup makes it better!
Head over to ColourPop and make them yours, now!