11 stock images of ladies Christmas shopping while wearing a Santa hat, because obviously this is a thing
Hopefully, by now, you are completely done with your Christmas shopping (and if you’re not, omg, be strong, we believe in you!). Maybe you did all your shopping online, or maybe you braved the mall and headed out to fight the crowd of other holiday shoppers. If you chose the latter, you probably bundled up tight with your winter coat, a cute scarf and mittens, and you’re most favorite Santa hat!
…because don’t you wear a Santa hat while out Christmas shopping at the mall?? According to an unnerving amount of stock photos, all ladies wear Santa hats while out shopping. Because that sounds like…festive fun?
Who KNOWS why stock photos curate the photos they do, or THINK we shop the way we shop, but it is kind of hilarious to think about going out to snag those perfect presents, while wearing a Santa hat. I’ve just…never seen it happen in the wild before, but according to stock photos is is like ~the thing~ to do.
TBH, if I am at the mall, I am not this joyful. This is an inaccurate representation of a normal shopping trip.
There’s actually no way in hell my friends are coming with me to the mall anytime, let alone at Christmas time.
If my mom took me shopping as a young child, and told me I needed to wear a Santa hat, I would have cried the entire time we walked through Macy’s.
Now, how about some women holiday shopping, wearing Santa hats, AND brandishing their credit cards, totally ready for the next sale they see??
What these images don’t show is “four hours later,” where this woman has just gotten off the phone with Chase after canceling her credit cards. Because she lost them since she was walking around the mall holding them out in her HAND.
OMG you are even not safe from ONLINE SHOPPING with a Santa hat.
Or online shopping wearing a Santa hat while HOLDING A CREDIT CARD.
The SO can even get into the holiday spirit!
You know what, invite the whole family. Get everyone a Santa hat. Maybe mix it up with some reindeer ears.
Me, trying to comprehend all these pictures:
If you’re not doing your Christmas shopping with a Santa hat then WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE?