Steve Martin really, really, really didn’t want to go on “The Tonight Show”

Steve Martin, comedy legend, is out of funny anecdotes. While we don’t believe that for a second, that was his fear before he appeared on The Tonight Show Monday night. He was so nervous, in fact, that he broke out into song, and performed an entire musical number backstage.

When you’re as seasoned as Steve is, it’s natural that, at a certain point, you feel you don’t have anything funny left to say. Turns out, Steve can make anything funny, even his worries about not being funny. Turning those anxieties into a song is just another reminder of his talents, as well as the musical he co-created, Bright Star.

With the help of people backstage, Steve finally felt inspired enough to make an appearance, and of course, Jimmy Fallon couldn’t help but join in at the end when Steve finally made it out onto the set, punctuating the song in perfect harmony.