Stephen Colbert helps President Obama get ready for unemployment, and LOL

Searching for a job can be super stressful, and sometimes it’s nice to get a little advice from good friends — even when you didn’t exactly ask for it. And as the election nears, it’s kinda easy to forget that after eight years, our current leader is about to be unemployed (thanks Vulture for the reminder!). That’s right, President Obama (aka our favorite feminist) is moving on to his next adventure — however totally sad it makes us.
But everything’s going to be okay, because Stephen Colbert is helping him prepare to face that tricky job market.
Acting as his alter-ego, “Randy” the office manager, Colbert is motivated to see Obama succeed in the second phase of his career. He knows just the right questions to ask, and how to get Obama’s resume in the best possible shape.
"Can you tell me about some of your accomplishments, and keep in mind it's important to describe them in such a way that highlights how your experience might be relevant to a potential employer."
"I brokered international deals that slowed the impact of climate change and prevented Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon," Obama responded thoughtfully. "Hmmm, let's change that to 'proficient in Microsoft Excel,' Colbert replied.
After quizzing Obama about his ideal office and his curious lack of job advancement, Colbert helps POTUS re-word some sentences on his resume to appeal to a wider range of employers.
He also understands how crucial it is to learn the social media ropes, so he emphasizes using those platforms to his advantage. LOL.
It’s safe to say that Obama’s skills are sharpened, and he’s now fully equipped to tackle several rounds of challenging job interviews. We wish him the best of luck as he navigates the treacherous waters! Hope he finds that ideal corner office.