Stephanie Beatriz is having a photo-worthy trip to London, and we have serious FOMO

We heart Stephanie Beatriz SO MUCH, so when we found out she was in London, we had instant FOMO. Luckily, she loves us back at least a little bit, because the Brooklyn Nine-Nine fave was kind enough to loop us in via regular Instagramming. We’re full of appreciation! Between Stephanie Beatriz being an amazing human to her generally incredible sense of humor, we really do heart her, and these pics make us feel like we’re traveling right alongside her!

As an added bonus, we’re also gathering some excellent travel tips. Time to plan our next international trip! So what has Beatriz been up to in her travels?

Like any good traveler, she prepared by loading up on books.

She kicked things off by dancing the night away in true London fashion.

She found Shakespeare, because, well, obviously.

And wrote Shakespeare an amazing ode,

"my bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep. the more i give to thee the more i have for both are infinite. #shakespeare #myboo"

Stephanie Beatriz and her bestie got ~fancy~ drinks, naturally.

And they look fashionable AF, and perfectly bundled.

Especially with the perfect accessory: classic red photo booths.

Too, Stephanie Beatriz found ~Heaven~ in a flawless, super chic coffee shop.

Next stop, Paris!

Uterus hat an all. Oh, the FOMO is *so* real, but we hope she’s having the best, best trip.