Inside the Mind of Cartoon Genius Emily Brundige

Mail Order Interviews” are illustrated interviews with awesome humans conducted via mail. This particular one is with the funny and creative Emily Brundige, a Los Angeles based animator. She’s the writer and creator of the awkwardly hilarious web series Pubertina. Here’s what you need to know about her:

Emily Brundige can do it all. She’s an animating, show-creating, songwriting, directing, creative prodigy living in Los Angeles. On top of all that, she’s funny and loves Disneyland. . . so, she’s extra awesome.

Emily’s the creator, director, songwriter and voice actress behind the Shut Up! Cartoons’awkwardly amazing animated web series Pubertina —about 11-year-old Pubertina—the only girl in her 5th grade class going through puberty. Pubertina is puber-tastically funny and totally relatable. . . especially if you’re a girl that’s gone through puberty. From the horror of getting your first period, to the overwhelming clench a first crush can have on you, to the agony of dealing with acne—this series touches on all the joys a tweenage girl must experience in order to cross the line into womanhood.

Let’s face it – Emily is a creative genius. Pubertina has raked in millions of views, with fans all over the world creating fan art in little Pubertina’s honor. Emily is on a rocket ship to the top of success mountain on the fifth moon of planet quirky.  She’s going places, people, so keep your eyes peeled for her unique talent! And with that, here’s her Mail Order Interview:

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