Starbucks’s new magenta Frappuccino is an edible Insta trap for non-coffee drinkers

Non-coffee drinkers can now have their Starbucks — and Instagram it, too. Today, Starbucks revealed that it will introduce a new magenta Frappuccino to its permanent menu on June 5th. Starbucks is calling it the Serious Strawberry Frappuccino and, yes, it’s about to make your summer a lot sweeter.
You better believe the Serious Strawberry Frappuccino sounds seriously scrumptious. To make it, your barista starts by lining the bottom of the cup with a ~magenta~ strawberry fruit puree. They’ll then add the new Strawberries and Crème Frappuccino mixture — “a blend of ice, milk + our strawberry infusion blend,” according to a Starbucks press release.
Finally, your barista will top the whole thing off with more strawberry puree and vanilla whipped cream. Yum, yum, and more yum.
This new fruity beverage will replace the original Strawberries and Crème Frappuccino on the Starbucks menu, but don’t be sad, because the Serious Strawberry Frappuccino sounds like a serious upgrade.
Even better, the Serious Strawberry Frappuccino is bringing friends to the party. It’s joined on the permanent menu by the Ultra Caramel and Triple Mocha Frappuccino blended beverages, both of which debuted on May 1st. These bad boys feature the Starbucks cold brew whipped cream. Yeah, you heard us — cold brew whipped cream.
So whether you like to indulge in a caffeine-rich chocolatey or caramel-laden treat, or if you’re the sweeter, fruity type who knows a good strawberry puree when you taste one — Starbucks has a blended beverage for you.
Ahem…we’ll be trying all three.
Fire up your Instagram accounts, ladies and gents. The Serious Strawberry Frappuccino is about to strike a pose. Head to your local Starbucks on June 5th to taste the strawberry goodness that will most likely be the highlight of your summer.