‘Star Wars’ Monopoly is missing a very important character and people are NOT happy

You don’t come between fans and Star Wars, especially when it involves the franchise’s merchandise. We already know that Star Wars: The Force Awakens is about to become one of the most successful movies in America, and the figurines, models, and games are perfect additions to any Star Wars enthusiast’s household. At least, they should be. The release of the new Star Wars-themed Monopoly has got people scratching their heads. It seems it has the same problem as a lot of other merchandise that’s coming out around the film: it’s missing Rey.

Rey, played by Daisy Ridley, is the main character of the newest release, so why doesn’t she appear in the game alongside her costars?

In fact, this isn’t the only piece of Star Wars merch that has mysteriously omitted the female lead. The Guardian reports that for months now, fans have been documenting Rey’s absence from the shelves:

These repeated instances have prompted the hashtag #WheresRey in an effort to call attention to what looks to be some sexism in the toy industry. It sure makes one thing clear: there’s no reason to not produce a female action figure because people definitely want one.

We’re hoping this mistake gets fixed ASAP, because we will not pass Go and not collect $200 without her.

(Image via Twitter)

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