This is how much Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber could’ve cost you

Sorry, Star Wars fans! You just missed your chance to bid on some classic Star Wars props. You probably had the money ready and everything. But, somebody beat you to it — buying up Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber, and an R2-D2 unit!

In a recent auction of Star Wars items, a lightsaber used by Luke Skywalker in A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back from producer Gary Kurtz’s collection was sold for $450,000 (!!), the Orlando Sentinel reports. But considering that it’s one of the coolest weapons from a galaxy far, far away that seems like a fair price.

After all, think about how many lightsaber battles it could win?!


The lightsaber went to Ripley, the company responsible for the “Ripley’s Believe it or Not!” displays. So, at least you’ll probably get to see that lightsaber you missed out on buying! But if you’re upset, feel free to take a moment to think about what you could’ve done with the lightsaber in your personal collection.


Were you hoping to spend a little more? Well, you also just missed out on an original R2-D2 unit used in several Star Wars films.

Turns out Uncle Owen got quite a deal when he decided to purchase that R2 unit because these days, it would cost him a lot more. For the low, low price of $2.67 million (yes, that’s *million*) you could’ve had your very own R2-D2 bestie. Seems like a steal really. He can deliver messages to princesses across galaxies — a very useful skill.

Here’s hoping that one day we’ll be able to have our very own Star Wars prop collection. Until then, we’ll just have to live vicariously through these fans. And buy the cheaper, toy versions to play with.

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