“Star Wars” just lost *another* director, and this is becoming an unnerving pattern

It’s odd enough when one director leaves a Star Wars movie, but it’s even weirder when two directors depart the galaxy far, far away. Earlier this year, it was announced that Chris Miller and Phil Lord — who were busy helming the still-untitled Young Han Solo movie — were stepping away from the project, and would be replaced by Ron Howard.
And now, it’s déjà vu all over again, because the director of Episode IX has also left the film. Star Wars just issued a press release explaining that Colin Trevorrow would no longer be behind the final installment of this current trilogy:
Lucasfilm and Colin Trevorrow have mutually chosen to part ways on Star Wars: Episode IX. Colin has been a wonderful collaborator throughout the development process but we have all come to the conclusion that our visions for the project differ. We wish Colin the best and will be sharing more information about the film soon.
Right now, Star Wars is, undeniably, the biggest franchise on the planet, whether it be movies, TV shows, toys, interactive media, or cosplay. You name it, Star Wars has a hand in it. The saga is near and dear to many, and it’s clear that those behind the stories — Disney and Lucasfilm — always want to be producing the *best* content they can about Luke, Leia, Han, Rey, Finn, Chewie, BB-8, and those adorable Porgs. (Seriously, what do the Porgs even DO? I just know I want them all.)
Knowing this, it’s kind of a surprise, but not really a huge surprise, to hear about Trevorrow’s departure. While he was behind the Jurassic Park reboot, Jurassic World, his film Book of Henry — to put it politely — tanked earlier this summer, and many wondered if that would leave his role in the Star Wars universe in jeopardy. Maybe Book of Henry contributed to this, maybe it didn’t — we’ll probably never know.
While this is certainly shocking, it’s not AS shocking as Miller and Lord leaving Han Solo. They had like, three weeks left of filming on that movie when they were unceremoniously fired; production on Episode IX isn’t expected to start until January 2018.
So take a deep breath, and pour yourself a big glass of blue milk. Star Wars is going to be fine, someone else will director Episode IX, and hopefully in this movie we’ll finally learn about Rey’s parentage.