“Star Wars: Episode VIII” is almost finished filming and we’re so excited

Luke Skywalker may be great at being a Jedi, but he’s terrible at keeping Star Wars secrets IRL.

Mark Hamill, Skywalker’s real life counterpart, Tweeted the wrap date for Episode 8 and it’s so much sooner than we thought. According to Hamill’s Twitter, production wraps July 22. Yes, you read that right. Shooting and production of the next Star Wars installment is mere weeks away from finishing.

It seems like Hamill knows he’s letting the cat out of the back, using hashtags like, “#LooseLipsSinkStarships” and “Rogue1Sooner,” but you can’t ever tell what’s publicity and what’s actual excitement-generated buzz.

While we’ll still almost definitely have to wait a looonnnng time (or at least it will feel like a looonnnng time) for Episode 8, we do have Rogue One to look forward to later this year. That movie comes out December 16, 2016 and the teaser trailer looks AMAZING. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=

It’s murky what Hamill’s tweet could mean for us fans; an earlier release date than we ever dared dream? Stunning post production work? Who knows, but we’re certainly glad Mark Hamill isn’t afraid to dabble in the dark side and spill a few secrets.

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