A Japanese Star Wars site may have accidentally hinted that an unlikely character turns to the dark side

With just under two months until the global premiere of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, fans are eager for news. Now, a Japanese Star Wars site might have accidentally broken some of the most shocking Star Wars info in months — that is, if the site is to be believed.
Nerdist reports that a Japanese Star Wars site dropped Last Jedi hints about a character turning to the dark side.
This is your last chance to avoid potential spoilers! Okay. Ready? The official Japanese Star Wars page updated bios for the Last Jedi characters, and one is particularly surprising. According to the website, none other than the heroic Poe Dameron might feel a pull to the Dark Side before the film’s end. Commence freak-out!
Though some of the website’s bios may be lost in translation, Nerdist managed to explain the translation’s gist. Essentially: It seems that Poe will become “feared by both the First Order and his fellow members of the Resistance” because of the pilot’s dedication to war efforts.
The Japanese Star Wars site didn’t flat-out state that Poe would join the First Order, but there are some hints worth noting.
For now, it looks like Poe and Finn are still best buds-in-training, and Poe will be considered one of the leaders of the Resistance. However. If the website’s updated plot summaries are true, “it may indicate that Poe is becoming more like Cassian Andor from Rogue One,” as per Nerdist. Considering Poe is smart, determined, charismatic, and hot like Oscar Isaac in a space suit, it’s difficult not to worry. Will Poe’s dedication really lead him astray? What would make his own friends and allies literally fear him?
Two months is too long to wait for an answer. But remember, this is still a rumor for now! It’s important to take all Last Jedi hints with a grain of Tatooine sand. Even the really, really juicy ones.