Carrie Fisher doesn’t even say anything in the trailer for “The Last Jedi,” but we’re still crying at the sight of General Leia

Lucasfilm just released the latest trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi and it’s safe to say we. are. SHOOK.
If I wasn’t sitting at home with my eyes glued to the screen, I would have sworn I was making the Kessel Run in 11 parsecs, because that’s how fast my heart was racing. To quote a certain fictional club promoter named Stefon, this trailer had EVERYTHING: Finn and Captain Phasma facing off in a battle to the death, epic space battle sequences, a Porg battle cry, Poe looking dashing as he moves to take the First Order down, Luke looking nervous and broody, another stunning John Williams score, and umm…is Rey pulling an Anakin and going dark?
But we don’t have time for that because this trailer also has something even more important: Carrie Fisher as Leia Organa.
The iconic actress makes her first appearance in halfway through The Last Jedi trailer, and it’s safe to say it was pretty emotional.
The upcoming Star Wars film will mark the final appearance of General Leia Organa, due to Carrie’s untimely death last December. At the time of her passing, Fisher had finished her work on The Last Jedi, but was supposed to appear in the untitled ninth film. Based on the trailer alone, it seems Leia’s life is in more danger than ever.
BUT don’t worry, it also appears that she’s as badass and iconic as ever.
No doubt, watching The Last Jedi in December is going to be a crazy emotional experience, and we’re so glad Lucasfilm is honoring both Fisher and the iconic character she portrayed in her final film. Fisher’s last on-screen performance will be a family affair, as her daughter Billie Lourd will reprise her role as Lieutenant Connix (She’s the one right over Poe’s shoulder).
Lourd, who recently opened up about joining the Star Wars family after J.J. Abrams asked her to read for the part of Rey, told Ellen DeGeneres that she’s so moved to have had the opportunity to work her her mom. She explained, “I’m a big believer that things happen for a reason and I think I ended up in that movie for a reason. It was really incredible for us to be able to have that experience together.”
We can’t wait to see Billie and Carrie on-screen together, taking down the First Order as leaders of The Resistance, when The Last Jedi hits theaters on December 15th.