Build-A-Bear just released a new “Star Wars” collection, and we’re seeing Porgs

The Last Jedi doesn’t hit theaters until December, but there are ways to get excited about Star Wars year-round. Like, now you can bring home your very own character from The Last Jedi. Build-A-Bear just released new Star Wars bears for you to snuggle up with at home this winter.

The anticipation leading up to the next Star Wars movie is huge. We are just counting down the days. And these new friends are getting us even more excited to jump back into the world.

First up, there’s a Chewbacca Bear for $35.

This Wookie will help keep you safe and pilot any ships you have lying around, and he looks perfect for a snuggle.


Captain Phasma is here (in bear form) for $35.

She looks pretty tough, and will surely keep those Stormtroopers in check whenever they fall out of line!


Now that you’ve picked out the perfect bear, you’ll need some clothes.

Luckily, Build-A-Bear has you covered! In addition to new bears, they’ve released a Praetorian Guard Costume for $18 (coming soon!). This will keep your new friends protected at all costs, and is sure to terrify. Also, can the bears even see with this on???


But you probably already know who the *real* star of The Last Jedi is. And I’m not talking about Rey or Luke. No, the real star of the film is obviously the Porg!


Even though we have very little info on what role the Porg will play in The Last Jedi, these creatures have already stolen our hearts.

And luckily, now you can pick up a Porg at Build-A-Bear for $12.50!

We’re so in love.


Check out all the new Star Wars: The Last Jedi arrivals and then make sure to buy your new buddy a ticket to see the film on December 15th.

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