To inspire your spring cleaning, here are top tips from 5 tiny home owners

It’s that time of year: Time to purge literally anything that you don’t need in your life (be it a pair of shoes, books you have never and will never read, or a toxic relationship). Spring cleaning can be daunting — where does one even start? For inspiration, we’re turning to our favorite tiny home owners/bloggers for advice.

Everyone’s fascination with tiny homes generally stems from the owner’s ability to live in such tight quarters, with no room for all the extra junk we all tend to accrue over a lifetime. So, here are a few of our favorite lessons from tiny home owners, paired with courses of action. (And, *bonus*, peruse their Instagrams for some spring-infused home decor ideas, too.)

The Rolling Home 

Wisdom: "One benefit of a small space is that everything is to hand, and making the most of it means things have their rightful place."

Takeaway: How many things in your home/apartment/condo/living space go untouched for months at a time? If you have clutter built up that is keeping you from making sure that everything you own has a place and a purpose, it’s probably time to make three piles: Keep, Donate, and Trash.

Tincan Homestead 

Wisdom: "Somehow doing dishes is a little more pleasurable when you made the dishes, hooked up the water and installed the sink into the cabinets you built."

Takeaway: Your home will feel more like your home when you add some personal touches. Clear away the clutter, and rid yourself of junk that doesn’t feel like it’s truly yours. Now is the time to add your own DIY touch to your belongings!

Tiny House, Tiny Footprint 

Wisdom: "Behind all the clutter in your mind is a dream. But it is nothing if you don't believe in it."

Takeaway: It can be hard to really dive into our dreams when our space is as cluttered as our minds. A clear head often starts with a clear sanctuary. Take the time this spring to actually do that deep clean you’ve been promising yourself you’d do tomorrow (for the past three years).

Tin Top Tales 

Wisdom: "A small space means everything has its place."

Takeaway: How many times a week are you late for work because you couldn’t find your keys, or the pair of sandals you wanted to wear, or your work badge? Wouldn’t your days be a little less hectic if everything had a place, and could be found in that place? This season, find a place for everything, and then keep everything in those places.

Vanna White | DIY Camper

Wisdom: "Intentionality is the key to avoid feeling tied down to your belongings."

Takeaway: Not only can being intentional about keeping your belongings make you feel more free of useless junk, but being more intentional about what you BUY in the first place can keep useless junk from piling up. After your spring cleaning is finished this year, make next year’s spring cleaning less daunting by being more careful about what you choose to spend money on and bring into your space.