Spotting Hillary Clinton “in the wild” has become a thing on social media and it’s giving us life

After a devastating loss earlier this month, Hillary Clinton has been keeping a low profile. (Understandably.) But now, to our delight, Vanity Fair is reporting that people are posting photos on social media of the ex-Secretary of State out and about in the world like a regular ol’ person to let us know that a) she’s alive and b) she’s doing okay. The movement has been dubbed “Hillary Clinton In The Wild.” Lol. We LOVE it.

You may remember a few weeks back that a mother and her daughter ran into HRC on a casual hike in New York only a couple of days after the election. The woman, Margot Gerster, according to her Facebook post, went on that very hike to decompress from the election news until she ran into Hillary herself.

Here’s that photo here: false

More and more of these photos have been popping up lately. So, a few days ago, Adam Parkhomenko, a Clinton aide who has worked with HRC for 13 years, decided to create a Twitter account to house all of these images. Parkhomenko invites anyone to send a photo of Hillary Clinton “in the wild” his way. The account already has over 7,000 followers! false

Some of the run-ins are emotional. One supporter who saw Hillary explains in a tweet, “I said we worked so hard, that she was undiminished in our hearts — she said — Don’t be discouraged, never give up.” Crying. false

Here’s Clinton at a book store with another supporter: false

In Vanity Fair Parkhomenko explains that he admires Hillary’s consistency and strength that can be seen in these photos: “Her advice to supporters has always been, when you get knocked down, get right back up. And that’s exactly what she did.”

So inspiring. We can’t wait to see more!

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