“Spider-Man” star Tom Holland snuck into a high school and had some hilarious new experiences

Let’s be real. After the trailers for Spider-Man: Homecoming premiered earlier this week, who didn’t watch them on repeat? The newest Spider-Man, 20-year old Brit Tom Holland, is just so darn adorable! Well, in a surprisingly fun twist, we learned that Tom Holland went “undercover” at a high school to research for his role!

That’s right, if any of you were attending school in the Bronx a year ago, you might have shared three magical days in his presence without realizing it!

Talk aboutNever Been Kissed experience! And we thought Tom Holland had met his adorable quota when he dressed up as Spider-Man and visited sick children in hospitals. What a sweetheart!

So why, exactly, did Spider-Man decide to visit a NYC Public High School?

Tom Holland explained on the Spider-Man: Homecoming Facebook page that he enrolled in high school in the Bronx to have an “authentic” experience. His own experience at a school in London was vastly different.

He said, "The coolest thing I think I did for the movie was I was enrolled in a high school in New York, in the Bronx, as a secret.... It was really interesting because New York high schools are so different to schools that I went to in London. Where I went to a school where you have to wear a suit and tie and it’s all boys, and for me it was the first time that I was in a classroom with girls. It was a really strange experience, it was really fun."

Did anyone guess Tom Holland’s secret identity?

"I told one kid at the school. I was like ‘Hey man, listen, I’m actually Spider-Man.’ He did not believe me… At the time I hadn’t made the movie, so I didn’t have any pictures to show him to prove that I was Spider-Man…. No one believed me. Which is actually a good thing, because it makes me think that if Peter Parker went up in his school and was like ‘I’m Spider-Man,’ everyone would be like ‘Nah dude, no you’re not,'" Holland added.

I bet that kid feels differently now! Talk about “method” acting. Spider-Man: Homecoming comes out this summer, and we can hardly wait. Hopefully there will be more adorable interviews for us to watch!