This sonogram of a baby saluting its former Marine father is making us weep

In the world of babies, we all know what precious moments can happen when people go in for their sonograms: If you’re lucky, your baby might give you an adorable pose or expression you can post to your fridge. Of course, people are also eager to find out that their babies are growing well and are happy and healthy! But if you’re really lucky, your baby might even salute you. That’s right: According to ABC News, a couple went in for a sonogram and their baby literally saluted them on screen.

Meghan Merriott and Robert Cooper, who is a former Marine, told ABC News that when they went in for their 12-week sonogram, their baby literally saluted them. That’s right: It raised its tiny hand to its eyebrow and then dropped it straight back down again.

You can see the heartwarming image for yourself right here:

Merriot explained the sweet moment to ABC News, saying, "While they were doing the sonogram the baby was actually sleeping on its side and they tried several times to get him/her to wake up to take the picture that they needed to take. The baby didn't want to wake up, then threw [its] hand in the air and then threw it back down."

What could be sweeter than that? The couple hasn’t yet released the sex of their baby, but plan to do so at a gender reveal party on September 24th. We have a feeling regardless of this baby’s sex, it’s going to be a little soldier.