Someone told this mom she “had it all together” — and her reaction was perfect

We all know moms are the real superheroes, right? Not only do they bring life into the world (NBD), they are expected to work, keep the house from burning down, make sure their kids eat healthy dinners (whether they cook them or not), go to every PTA meeting… You get the picture. Basically, moms are told to live up to extremely unrealistic expectations and are unfairly judged for everything. If they can’t “keep it all together,” then people think they are bad mothers. Um, no. That is not how it works.

So when badass mother-of-two Cierra Lyn Fortner was complimented by a cashier at the Walmart in her hometown of Kansas City, Missouri for “keeping it together”, she felt compelled to dismantle the harmful myth on her Facebook.

The 21-year-old wrote, "Today I was at Walmart doing my weekly Friday shopping when the cashier says to me "I see you in here all the time, your kids are always dressed cute, behaving and you just seem to have it all together."'

Fortner thanked the cashier and drove home, but on her way home she realized she wanted the cashier to know the truth. Fortner confessed her struggles on social media, which include battling a personality disorder, depression, and anxiety. But there was one takeaway she believed was the most important.

"... I want her to know I don't have it together and may never have it all together. I don't know a mother out there that has it all together but everything we do is done with love for our children and that right there makes you the perfect mom and in our children's eyes we most definitely have it all together."

She continued, “From one exhausted mom to another, you’re doing great, have that melt down, let your kids eat the crap out of that cereal and take care of yourself always.”

Read the inspiring post below.

You rock, Cierra!

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