This is how February’s solar eclipse will affect your Valentine’s Day
We’re officially halfway through February, and that means Valentine’s Day is upon us. Yes, the day is about all things love, but this year it takes on additional significance when viewed in an astrological context. The day after Valentine’s Day, we have a solar eclipse and a new moon, both of which invite expansion and new opportunities into our lives. Regardless whether you’re single or in a happy relationship, this energy is perfect for moving forward with an open heart, so you can carry the message of love throughout the rest of the year.
A new moon is the beginning of the moon’s 28-day cycle. It’s a fresh energetic slate, and a time when we plant seeds that we want to nurture and cultivate over the next month. That energy alone can be intense, but paired with an eclipse it’s even more potent. An eclipse is an energetic doorway of transformation that creates opportunities for us during the next 6-12 months. This is all colored by the moon being stationed in Aquarius, the sign of the water bearer, a humanitarian who loves to set their sights on how they can help humanity.
In this way, we have an excellent opportunity to use the love we’ve cultivated on Valentine’s Day to help us in our relationships, whether romantic or not.
Horoscope queen for Coveteur and founder of The Midheaven, astrologer Amelia Quint, breaks down how we can expect Valentine’s Day to be affected by this solar eclipse, which she says will be very powerful. She explains,
"Solar eclipses operate like amplified new moons, so what happens now will be the origin point for something that will play an important in your life. It may be related to love, but because of the intensity, you'll definitely be in your feelings. The good news is that the eclipse is in Aquarius, a sign that excels in emotional detachment. Instead of letting your emotions run away with you, you can pull back and see the big picture more easily."
No matter how you choose to celebrate Valentine’s Day and the new moon solar eclipse, we hope it’s a time of expansive, heart-opening energy.