So THIS is why Bella Hadid’s pants were down in that viral Instagram photo

The internet lost its mind yesterday after a sexy selfie of Bella Hadid with her pants down — and stilettos on — was shared on Instagram by her makeup artist, Vincent Oquendo.

Among the many supportive and sweet notes from fans on IG were comments ranging from “she legit just dropped her pants so she could take this” to “that’s an odd photo #pantsontheground.”

Well, team, the mystery of the pants-down/shoes-on selfie has finally been solved (and thank goodness, because we know you’ve been losing sleep over this). Cosmopolitan spoke to Oquendo about the photo, and he explained why Bella was hanging out in her undies sans pants.

He explains, "I was applying body moisturizer to Bella. That’s why her pants are around her ankles. She was dressed and ready to go out the door and I was like, ’OMG, I forgot to put body lotion on you! Pull down your pants!'"

The young model was getting ready to dash out for her Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show callback — a job she booked, btw! — and Oquendo, who has long worked with Bella, had been called in specifically to make sure she was in tip-top shape.

“The models are supposed to come [to the castings] hair-and-makeup ready, as if they were ready for the show,” he told Cosmo. “They have to be camera-ready. All the girls get recorded, whether they get [the job] or not. It doesn’t matter how big or small a star you are. You are always on camera.”

So that’s it! The Great Bella Hadid Selfie Riddle of 2016 has been solved. Now go own that VS runway, Bella!

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