The teaser trailer for JGL’s ‘Snowden’ is here — and it’s intense

Although brief, we’ve got the first teaser for Snowden, Oliver Stone’s biopic re: NSA-contractor-turned-whistleblower Edward Snowden. The flick stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the titular role. Clocking in at just under a minute and a half, it doesn’t give us any actual scenes or shots from the film itself. But nonetheless, it sets the tone for what looks like an intense film.

This is the first film based on Snowden’s controversial decision to turn over classified documents to journalist Glenn Greenwald, a move that revealed the extent of government surveillance programs and continues to serve as a source of debate. Snowden himself is in Russia under asylum, but he’s been called on to return to the United States to stand trial for his actions.

Snowden‘s trailer takes you through a really impressive résumé, placing his final title — “Most wanted man in the world” — alongside his work for the C.I.A. at age 22 and his time in the Army before that. It ends with a shot of an upside down flag, with the words: “One nation under surveillance with liberty and justice for all.” Not exactly subtle.

The film is in theaters December 25. Check out the trailer below.

(Image via Twitter)