This “Saturday Night Live” sketch about “male feminists” hitting on women is so on point, it hurts

Sorry, gentlemen, but Saturday Night Live just called some of you out. In this week’s episode, the Saturday Night Live sketch “Feminist Dudes” portrays the worst kind of guys — the ones who think being a “feminist” is little more than a pick-up strategy.

In the sketch, Cecily Strong find a seat at bar while waiting for her friend to show up and she’s wearing a “the future is female shirt.” Which is basically an invitation for every man to approach and try their luck — and it just keeps getting worse. The first man, played by Beck Bennett, is wearing the same shirt and after he chats her up for a minute, he goes in for the kill and asks her out. When she says “no,” he gets up and screams, “OK, bitch. I wore this shirt and you won’t even let me nut? I followed all the rules!”

Another guy comes in and tells her that marching in D.C. after the inauguration was the best day of his life. Again, he asks her out, she says no, and he goes right into attack mode. “I freaking marched for you!”

Things just keep getting worse and worse for the woman all alone at the bar, as they tend to do.

Another guy tells her that he worked for Hillary Clinton during the election, as if he only did it so he could try to pick up women afterwards.

Things hit a super low point when Alex Moffat steps in wearing a pink pussy hat and a vest covered in buttons showing his support Planned Parenthood and other charities.

He asks Strong if she follows California Sen. Kamala Harris on Twitter. Instead of talking about it, Moffat asks her if she wants to “eat his butt.” Lovely, right? Obviously she doesn’t and he freaks out.

The sketch is perfect for two reasons: One, it drives the point home that being a feminist doesn’t get men any brownie points. (Newsflash: thinking that women should have equal rights should be the default mode.) The other reason is how quickly the men go from being a “safe place” to a super dangerous one. This bar was fake, but surely somewhere in the world last night, a man thought a woman was a jerk just because she didn’t go home with him. It happens ALL. THE. TIME.

The lesson? Never trust a guy in a pussy hat. And guys, stop wearing your feminism like a badge of honor, and stop expecting women to sleep with you because you’re One Of The Good Ones™. It’s creepy.

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