ICYMI: ‘SNL’ perfectly tackled how women are portrayed in “dude” movies

Did you happen to catch SNL this weekend? Martin Freeman was the host (love him), Charli XCX was the musical guest (love her), and Weekend Update did an incredible on-the-nose send up of female characters in movies. Cecily Strong, who also happens to be Girl You Wish You Hadn’t Started A Conversation With At A Party, introduced us to a brand new character: A One Dimensional Female Character From A Male Driven Comedy. To which we say, BRAVO.

Here’s the gist of the sketch: Weekend Update anchor, Colin Jost, points out that “women still remain grossly unrepresented when it comes to major film roles.” Cue Cecily, who shows up, complete with bangs and glasses, and speaks in the most monotone voice ever. She touches on the fact that she likes burgers, wings, and beer, but has the body of a girl who only eats salad. “Confusing, right?” She asks Jost. In case you didn’t notice she’s only calling him by his last name, because she’s “fun . . . and crazy and surprising . . . and hot. And a girl.”

It’s clearly comedy, but everything about it is 10,000% right. Think of all the male-driven movies where the guy is this complicated person with interests and passions and a family, and the woman is like super hot and bland and filled with boring platitudes and absolutely zero defining features (aside from all those weird male fantasy features — like being a 100 lb., washboard ab, wing aficionado). Calling these female characters “one dimensional” might even be too generous; they’re kinda just cardboard cutouts shaped like women. These lady characters — we’re looking at you How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days — are defined by what Amazing Amy would call their “cool girl” status which ICYMI, doesn’t exist in real life. Women are way more complex than just being hot, fun, hungry, and really into record stores. Confusing, right?

Check out the sketch below for all of Cecily’s brilliance and SNL’s spot-on social commentary.

Image via here.

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