SNL is planning a pre-election special, in case you need a laugh before the big day

You might be super tired of all the heavy election coverage by now. But, at least when that election coverage is parodied on Saturday Night Live, you get a good laugh. (Seriously, it’s incredible how closely their sketches resembled the actual debate footage!) Since the election is coming up, and there’s just one episode remaining before the big day (hosted by one of our favorites, Benedict Cumberbatch) SNL decided to put together a pre-election special, just so we can get more Alec Baldwin and Kate McKinnon on our screens.
While the footage will be the “best of” footage, there’s been so much of it that some of it might just come across as being new. Remember, Baldwin is just the most recent Trump out of many!
According to Deadline, the special will be airing on November 7th on NBC. While the recent debates were some of the most popular sketches recently, surely we’ll see a few skits with Hillary herself in them. For example, this “Bar Talk” sketch which aired about a year ago.
Or, remember this skit, where Kate McKinnon — as Hillary — announced that she was planning on running?
It’s so incredible to think about how much has happened since!
We think that this special is the absolute perfect way to wrap up all of the election coverage we’ve faced in the last year, and anticipate Election Day on Tuesday, November 8th. Of course, the best way to celebrate the year we’ve had is to get out there and vote!