Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump on ‘SNL’ had a lot of thoughts about the “rigged” election, and we’re dying

It’s safe to say that Alec Baldwin’s Donald Trump impersonation is incredible. And now on SNL, Baldwin’s taking on Trump’s latest talking point: the possibility of a rigged election (because of course he thinks that). Last night on Saturday Night Live, Baldwin and Kate McKinnon broke out their Trump and Hillary Clinton impressions for the third (and final, thank GOD) presidential debate. As with the first two debates, SNL delivered in presenting the debate with the exact lunacy in which viewers saw it on Wednesday. Adding Tom Hanks as moderator/Fox News anchor Chris Wallace was the icing on the cake.

Check out the third debate sketch below:

The heart of the sketch began when Chris Wallace informed Trump that he was probably going to lose the election. Trump agreed but as real Trump did Wednesday, saying,

“I will look at it at the time because frankly this is whole thing is rigged. Even the media. Everyday, I turn on the news and all of the newspapers are making me look so bad.


When Wallace pressed him on why the media was rigging the election, Trump replied,

“By taking all of the things I say and all of the things I do and putting them on TV.


At that point Wallace made Trump repeat after him to say,

“I, Donald Trump, promise the accept the results of this election.

In probably the most relatable Trump logic on this planet, Trump responded with,

“I, the best ever Donald Trump, promise to accept the results of this election, if I win. Got you, loser (trademark).


It is so scary how spot-on Baldwin’s impression is.

While the sketch was hilarious and SNL has done an incredible job highlighting the craziness of Trump’s rhetoric, it is sometimes scary to know the material they have to work with is based on real quotes and ideologies.


Trump and his supporters have been saying recently that the results of the election won’t matter because the election is rigged. This statement, which has been all over the media is making voters uneasy. While this is a really complicated issue, let’s try and boil it down to a few key points.


It is really hard to rig a national election because there are so many people who have to be involved. Elections are run by each state, meaning that government officials from both, including Governors, Secretary of States, and other election officials, from Republican and Democratic controlled states would have to be in on it. With that many people involved, it would be incredibly difficult to keep a scheme like this under wraps. Additionally, voter fraud doesn’t occur nearly as much as it is perceived to occur.


This election cycle has been exhausting and, at times, miserable. We’re so glad Baldwin can give us something to laugh at.