How to use the Snapchat group video chat and friend tagging feature

After changing the entire layout of its app, thus causing mass hysteria amongst users, Snapchat has rolled out new features to get back on our good side. And honestly, it might work. The social media app officially released a tagging feature and a group video chat feature, making the platform more interactive and relationship-centric. So, how does one use these new Snapchat group video chat and friend tagging features?

Snapchat’s tagging update, called “Mentions,” actually began its test phase in March. Similar to the existing tagging feature on Instagram Stories, Mentions allows users to tag their friends in posts. Simply type “@” in the text space on a photo or video post and begin typing your friend’s username. Tap on the correct friend in the pop-up list below and that’s it. They’ve been tagged!

According to The Verge, your friend will be notified that they’ve been tagged via their chat window. Then, when others watch your tagged story, they can swipe up, see the person tagged, and check out their public stories or add them as a friend.

The Verge reports that Snapchat hopes Mentions will excite celebrities and influencers who want to tag brands and companies they’re working with (ahem — Kylie, please say Snapchat isn’t dead — cough, cough).

In an April 3rd blogpost, Snapchat announced its new group video feature, which will roll out later this week. This new update allows you to video chat with up to 16 of your friends at once. Your friends will appear in grid format or you can just join in via voice call. You’ll also be able to use Lenses for a bit of fun.

You can access the video chat feature by tapping on the camera icon in a Snapchat Group Chat. Friends who are unable to join the conversation via video or voice can type messages that others can access while chatting.


The battle of the social media apps continues. With these new features, Snapchat could rise back to the top soon enough — but only time will tell. In the meantime, we’ll be video-chatting it up with 16 of our BFFs.

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