Smart Glamour’s new holiday collection includes affordable, ethically made outerwear that is SO chic

Winter shopping choices can feel extra limited when you start trying to find options that are fashionable, affordable, and ethically made. However, there are a few diamonds in the retail rough, and Smart Glamour’s new holiday collection hits the nail on the head when it comes to cute, totally-in-our-budget options that we can feel good about. Combining inclusiveness and fashion-based artistry has always been at the forefront for this brand. In fact, this past spring Smart Glamour put on a diverse fashion show that emphasized the designer Mallorie Dunn’s focus on pairing body-inclusiveness with style, and it was a hit.
While keeping up the admirable trend of ethical fashion, Smart Glamour’s new holiday collection includes everything from fun basics to dresswear winter statement coats.
It also helps that everyone modeling the clothing looks so happy to be wearing it.
They look like they just shared some juicy gossip at the company Christmas party.