You can never unsee these slow-motion body piercing videos

We like to think of ourselves as being uber tough and willing to tolerate any imagery that sends a shock to the system, and we ARE — but watching these slow-motion videos of body piercings is something we can never unsee. However, that doesn’t mean we won’t look (naturally).
Seriously. You won’t be able to take your eyes off the tiny needles piercing through ears and lips. It’s kind of relaxing in a weird, stomach-churning way. (Maybe? Just a little? Okay, forget it.)
Have you mentally prepared? First, here are a couple that were uncovered by Teen Vogue.
This one’s kinda fast (PHEW!).
Are you still with us? Fascinating, right?!
Kind of like watching pimples being squeezed, but somehow it doesn’t make you feel quite as icky.
In this one, the woman doing the piercing says to her patient,”Deep breath for me!” and that’s exactly what we’re doing right now.
So yeah, the #piercingvideo hashtag is pretty popular on Instagram right now — and we admittedly get it. There’s just something mesmerizing about watching this kind of thing, even if we don’t necessarily want to be watching it all the time.
Nothing like a few graphic videos to jolt you wide awake on this fine morning! But just to ease the pain, here’s a video of gorgeous (harmless) rain falling onto a bunch of pretty flowers.
And here’s an adorable kitty!
And suddenly, everything’s okay again.