This is the most popular candy in America, ICYWW

Who doesn’t love candy? Short answer: nobody, because it’s *all* amazing. However, there is one candy in particular that America really, REALLY seems to like. . . probably because it tastes like the rainbow. That’s right: According to Nielsenthe number one non-chocolate candy is Skittles, followed by Lifesavers and Twizzlers.

According to Mars, Skittles has been the most popular candy since last year, but the company kept quiet about its success to make sure Skittles continued to be in the lead. According to Mars’ Wrigley Americas President Casey Keller, the popularity of Skittles is a result of advertising with major organizations like the NFL, its Taste the Rainbow campaign, and ever-changing twists and flavors. “Confections are a treat,” Keller told Fortune. “We’re not going to hide from that. They can be part of consumers’ lifestyle and diet but in moderation.”

TBH, we’re not all that surprised, because Skittles are totally addicting in every flavor, from Wild Berry to Sour. And the thought of Skittles right now makes us wanna do this:


Or, perhaps, this:


Do you think another candy is better than Skittles? Tell us in the comments!