Sia released a “Never Give Up” lyric video and it’s *so* emotional

Has a lyric video ever made you cry? No? Well, maybe that’s because you have yet to watch Sia’s lyric video for her single “Never Give Up.” So, how emotional can a lyric video be? Fair question. After all, it’s just a bunch of words scrolling across the screen, right? Well, we would tell you but it’s kind of difficult to form coherent thoughts when you’re bawling uncontrollably, which we totally are right now.

By now, the famously bewigged singer’s earned a reputation for penning beautifully uplifting songs like “Never Give Up,” “I’m Alive” and “Bird Set Free,” including all the inspirational anthems Sia’s written for other artists. She truly is the voice of resilience and she wants us to know that it will all work out if we just keep going.

We feel that message so hard, which makes it perfect for the Lion movie soundtrack, but dammit Sia, we were not prepared for this lyric video.

Maybe it’s the two main characters — two little girls wearing black masks and matching Sia wigs — gleefully reuniting in a train station and running towards their destination…

Or where they hold hands and make a run for it because everything’s gonna be alright *sobs*

Or when they hug it out and hit us RIGHT in the most tender part of our feels.

Yep, Sia’s made us cry before lunch time so we’re done here. Considering the fact that we’re currently weeping in a fetal position, we’re not sure if we’ll be able to handle watching the official music video.