Shaping Up With Chloe & Zoe – “Pilot”


Let’s kick 2013 off right, with some New Year’s resolutions…OKAY?!

Everyone knows that the new year is about reflecting on your past year and looking to the year ahead with the hopes of doing it a little bit better. I don’t know about you, but I feel like watching other people create New Year’s goals and trying to keep them sounds a lot more fun and, like, inspiring than only focusing on my own. Because if someone else can make goals and stick to them, then so can I, and so can YOU… right?!

So, HelloGiggles reached out to our friends Chloe & Zoë and asked them to create some of their own goals for 2013. They found it a little difficult to choose a couple so they chose A THOUSAND (or like, 30…but still!).

Watch below to see what making resolutions looks like for two girls who maybe didn’t have it all quite together in 2012.

Everyone at HelloGiggles is wishing you all the very best in this new year & hoping that 2013 brings you SO much joy.

If you LOVE Chloe + Zoë, be sure to check out more of their hilarious stuff here!

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