The guy who was ~sexy~ Harry Potter is now ~sexy~ Spiderman and tbh, we’re feeling it

Relevant to all of our interests: the stud who did the sexy Harry Potter boudoir photo shoot is now posing for a sexy Spiderman photo shoot, and, like, you can’t judge us for being really happy about this, okay? Spiderman has gone through soooo many remakes in Sony’s quest to make Spiderman relevant (and theirs, as opposed to Marvel’s) but we have to be honest — we’re probably more into this version of Spiderman than any other. Sarah Hester, the photographer behind these works of art that the internet so loves, is honestly the hero we all deserve.
But can you blame us? If this photoshoot doesn’t get your spidey senses tingling*, we don’t even know what to SAY to you.
*We’re very sorry for that joke.
After the ~fully clothed~ spidey pictures, the aptly titled ‘dudoir’ photo shoot shows Spidey slipping into something a little more comfortable.
We’re suddenly way more jealous of Mary Jane Watson than we’ve ever been.
Also, just for fun, let’s throwback to the original Harry Potter photo shoot, because…reasons. We have reasons. A six pack of them.
If you want to check out the full shoot, which shows Peter Parker slash Spiderman in various states of dress (and undress, #blessed), a ton of beautiful pictures can be seen on the photographer’s blog. We highly recommend that you take a look, but to be clear: we saw him FIRST, and we’re calling dibs, okay?