Seventeen people were just arrested in connection to Kim Kardashian’s robbery, and we’re astonished

We’re hoping that this will give the reality star a little bit more closure. Police in France just arrested 17 people who have been listed as suspects in relation to Kim Kardashian’s robbery which occurred in October of last year. After the incident, Kardashian suffered from emotional trauma, as well as the loss of an estimated $10 million worth of jewelry.

While not much has been revealed regarding the suspects, The New York Times is reporting that the oldest in the grouping was 72-years-old, with the others ranged in their 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s.

According to the reports, five men met up with Kardashian in her hotel room to commit the crime. The men in question were dressed as police officers.

The arrests were made this morning, and both DNA and security camera footage lead police to the suspects. A spokesperson for the police union, named Luc Poignant, noted that a surveillance operation had been set up after this particular robbery, which identified more people in the ring of criminals.

The arrests were definitely spread out — in fact, police found the suspects in five different cities in France.

The robbery caused Kardashian to go on hiatus from social media (and the public in general) for a few months to regroup. Just recently, she posted a few family photos to her Instagram account, possibly signaling that she’s ready to continue moving forward.

We’re so glad this mystery might soon be solved for good. Our hearts go out to Kim Kardashian, and anyone else who might have been targeted by this criminal group in the past.

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