Sesame Street just did a pretty brillz ‘When Harry Met Sally’ spoof

Sesame Street is no stranger to parody, and have tackled many, many before. But now, their newest one might be our favorite, if only because it spoofs one of our favorite movies, When Harry Met Sally. Instead of teaching little kids that adults can have romantic relationships and still be friends in the morning, this spoof teaches us how to wait our turn in line! Almost the same thing as the 1989 Nora Ephron-penned rom-com starring Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan. Almost.

Hopefully as adults, you know how to wait in line, so let’s bypass the life lesson of “When Cookie Met Sally” and focus on the little details from it that pay homage to the original movie. The 5-minute video opens with a car scene — just like the movie — where we quickly learn that Cookie is pretty laid back and loves to eat cookies all the other time; while Sally likes things the way she likes them, and cookies are only for dessert. Uh oh, can these two ever put aside their differences and become friends?

After a chance encounter — JUST LIKE IN THE MOVIE — Cookie and Sally meet again at “a famous deli in New York City” and really start a friendship over cookies.

Sally has gloriously crimped hair and that late ’80s collared-short and sweater combo, while Cookie wears a baseball cap and an argyle sweater. These two Muppets could pass for Ryan and Crystal any day. The background music even sounds vaguely similar to WHMS‘s theme of “It Had To Be You.”

Does Sesame Street even manage to work in the “I’ll have what she’s having” line? They sure do. Check out the spoof below.

(Image via YouTube)


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