“Sesame Street” spoofed “Orange is the New Black,” and it’s all about snacks
These two things certainly don’t belong together, but let’s just roll with it: Sesame Street spoofed Orange is the New Black because that’s the kind of world we live in. We honestly can’t think of any similarities between kid-friendly muppets and the fictitious female prisoners at Litchfield Penitentiary, but leave it to Sesame Street to parody an adult show in order to teach us a thing or two about something as innocent as making healthy food choices.
Hilariously dubbed Orange is the New Snack, the skit opens with a cookie-themed riff on Regina Spektor’s “You’ve Got Time,” OITNB‘s theme song.
But instead of focusing on feeling like trapped animals in a full cage, the Sesame Street parody plot focuses on Piper Snackman — the new girl at school — and her efforts to convince her classmates to change their official snack from cookies to oranges.
The episode begins with Piper entering the classroom with “Forlorna,” the muppet version of OITNB‘s Morello. The teacher Mr. Moustache introduces the new student to her classmates. A particularly “friendly” muppet named Googly Eyes immediately takes a liking to her, then steals her snack and nearly gets all the muppets sent to the SHU, which turns out to be an actual shoe, but more on that later…
A tough-as-nails snack monitor named Red passes out cookies. Meanwhile Forlona pretends Piper’s snack is her boyfriend Christopher, and OMG Y’ALL, this might be our favorite Sesame Street parody yet.
In the end, Piper converts Red, Mr. Moustache, and the entire class from orange skeptics to enthusiasts, but sadly, her good deed still lands her in time-out.
Once again, we’re marveling at the creative minds over at Sesame Street for showing us that in every show, there’s a basic, kid-appropriate lesson to be found.