Jamie Lee Curtis is writing a children’s book about…selfies?

We’re always down for a new book, but this one from Jamie Lee Curtis seems ~interesting.~ Curtis’ new book Me, Myselfie, and I: A Cautionary Tale promises a new “whimsical” commentary on how people seem so into selfies, and documenting every moment of their lives on social media. There’s definitely something to be said for ~living in the moment~ and not being attached to your phone, so we’re curious about her upcoming children’s book.

“My new book is my response to the ‘selfie’ craze that has taken over the world,” Curtis said via a statement, “I hope that Me, Myselfie & I will open a dialogue about the impact of smartphone technology on families, and provide a fun and whimsical take on our obsession with self-documentation, while also showing the value in looking beyond the screen and living in the moment.”

We don’t know exactly what kind of children’s book it will be — picture heavy? More of a young YA read? — we did get a little insight into the plot from recent announcements.

Apparently, Me, Myselfie, and I will tell the “tale of a mom who gets a smartphone for her birthday and proceeds to become obsessed with documenting every aspect of her and her family’s lives via selfies, only for her daughters to remind her of all the stuff that happens when the camera is off.”

We do like that it’s the kids rather than the adults teaching the lesson. Welps, we’re officially curious.

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