Now you can order a Selfieccino, a cappuccino with your face made of foam

If you’ve ever taken a dramatic selfie with your coffee for Instagram and wondered, How could this be even MORE self-indulgent (in all the right ways)? Then this new coffee drink is for you. The Tea Terrace, a café in London, now offers the Selfieccino, a drink with your face on it. It’s exactly what it sounds like: a cappuccino (or a hot chocolate) featuring your face drawn into the foam. We were impressed enough by those cute little latte art flowers that most baristas have mastered. Not to mention 3D latte art. So this selfie foam art really goes above and beyond.

So, how does it work? Before you arrive at the Tea Terrace, you upload your selfie online. Then, indicate whether you want a cappuccino or a hot chocolate background. And ta-da: The baristas will work their magic to put your face on your drink. You could take a picture of yourself with your coffee, and then send that to your barista. So it would be a picture of you and your coffee, on your coffee, which you could then take a picture with and have a picture of you with your coffee in a picture of you and your coffee on your coffee and then…you get the point. They cost $7.50, but it’s a small price to pay for a coffee with your face on it.

These Selfieccino portraits are no joke, either — they’re serious works of art!

Imagine going to take a sip of your cappuccino and being met with, well, your own face.

This takes grabbing coffee with a friend to a whole new level.

What better way to enjoy an afternoon cappuccino than by drinking your own face?

Power move: Wear the same outfit to the Tea Terrace that you’re wearing in your Selfieccino.

Here’s a side-by-side comparison to show just how accurate the Selfieccinos are.

The attention to detail is seriously impressive.

You can even get a portrait of your favorite furry friend, aka a Puppyccino!

So, we’ll see you at the Tea Terrace in London? Because this is a once in a lifetime Instagram experience, and we’re not about to miss it!

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