This mega-viral selfie totally trumped the #GOPDebate

In the first Republican presidential debate last night, the top 10 candidates for the GOP nomination had only a few minutes each to attempt to capture the attention of voters. While 24 million Americans tuned in to witness the GOP take on Donald Trump, pretty much all of Instagram tuned in to see Kim Kardashian’s selfie with a candidate on the other side of the aisle: Hillary Clinton.

While the Republican presidential debate was happening, Hillary Clinton was simultaneously hosting a fundraiser at the home of Scooter Braun (Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande’s manager) and Yael Cohen Braun. Many of Clinton’s celeb supporters were there, including Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Usher, Jessica Alba, John Travolta, Mary Steenburgen and of course, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. You know, just your average, everyday American citizens showing their support by paying a reported $2,700 per ticket.

Kardashian was super excited to meet Clinton, as we would be too, so in typical Kardashian fashion, she posted this selfie expressing her excitement with the caption, “Excited to be meeting our next President tonight!! Maybe she’ll take a selfie with me!”

The Instagram and Twitter world waited anxiously to see a Kardashian/Clinton selfie. The waiting paid off, because a few hours later, the selfie happened, and of course Kardashian posted it for us to see. She wrote, “I got my selfie!!! I really loved hearing her speak & hearing her goals for our country! .”  

The Kanye West-photobombed selfie seems to have gotten more air time than the GOP debate, with almost 803 thousand likes on Instagram and 23 thousand on Twitter. So maybe the takeaway is more selfies. Always more selfies.

Hillary Clinton’s first TV ad is all about her mom

The future is here: You can now pay bills with a selfie

[Image via Instagram]