Selena Gomez just reached another huge Instagram milestone

Cementing her status as one of the most influential humans to walk this earth and ultimate queen of social media, Selena Gomez reached 110 million followers on Instagram. And yes, you read that sentence correctly! 110 million followers. Apart from the fact that her Instagram posts are worth a fortune, can you imagine, just for one freaking second, being the most followed person on Instagram? It’s a level of exposure that genuinely makes our brain hurt when we try to contemplate it.
Gomez is so utterly gracious and humble about the achievement, so we can’t help but be thrilled for her. And of course, to mark this momentous occasion, she posted a pic on Instagram.
"Thank you fam for 110. I promise I will continue to cherish my platform and speaking truth but more importantly, each and every one of you have changed my life. I'm very grateful."
Just FYI…that photo has well over 2 million likes.
It’s not hard to see why Gomez is so adored, because as well as being an insanely talented singer and charismatic performer, she’s handled herself so beautifully throughout her lupus diagnosis; taking time out of the spotlight and ensuring that she could bounce back stronger than ever.
This year she’s executive producing the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why, which will grace our TV screens in March and already sits patiently in our Netflix queues.
And yesterday she released a new song with DJ Kygo called “It Ain’t Me.” Naturally, we’re beyond obsessed.
To add a nice little cherry on top, Gomez is enjoying a budding romance with The Weeknd. This girl deserves all the love possible!
HAPPY MILESTONE DAY, Selena. We’re championing you today, tomorrow, and every day.