Selena Gomez called I Feel Pretty a “modern day 13 Going on 30” and that’s all the convincing we need

When you’re famous, you get certain awesome perks, like having brand new movies sent to your house. Amy Schumer sent Selena Gomez a copy of her film I Feel Pretty and Gomez and her friends had a private viewing party complete with pizza and four different kinds of ice cream.

While we would have loved an invite to the I Feel Pretty sleepover at Gomez’s house, it’s her review that we’re intrigued by. Gomez was quick to point out that she was not paid for this glowing review, but she compared the movie to 13 Going on 30, which means now we’re like, “go on…”

"Yesterday @amyschumer sent me her new movie I Feel Pretty (its because I’m obsessed with her) this movie is so important to watch. I encourage all my ladies out there to go with your girls and watch! We used to live in a time where we would say 'I can’t wait to BE older' to now being a generation that wants to LOOK like an adult without understanding the responsibility or who we truly are on the inside sometimes. I know I can relate for sure! GO WATCH!! It’s our modern day 13 going on 30!!!," Gomez posted alongside the Instagram video.

Ask any millennial woman how they feel about 13 Going on 30 and chances are that it was a transformative film in their young life. Both I Feel Pretty and 13 Going on 30 feature female protagonists who desire a different life and magically transform overnight in some way. They ultimately learn they were perfect the way they were. So yeah, we get the comparison.

Obviously, we’ll check out the movie on Gomez’s recommendation, but also, like, wow can someone send us a private copy, we’d like to have an I Feel Pretty pizza party, too.

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