Surprise! Selena Gomez has bangs now, and looks amazing.

Selena Gomez is having some major fun playing with her look. The actress and singer debuted lighter, honey-hued hair for earlier this week (perfect for summer!), and while we were still ooh-ing and ahh-ing over that, she updated her hair again.
Marissa Marino, a hairstylist at Los Angeles-based salon Nine Zero One, posted a selfie of Selena Gomez which featured the singer with a fresh set of bangs. Yes, bangs, and they’re gorgeous. They’re long, feathery, and wispy, and frame her face perfectly.
“Should I get bangs?” is probably the number one hair question we all ask ourselves. They’re such a fun, easy way to update your look, but they’re also a major commitment, partly because they change your look so much. That led many to believe Gomez’s bangs were clip-ins, but according to Cosmo, they’re actually real.
Marino’s agent told Cosmo in an email, “Yes the bangs are 100% real. Marissa and Selena really wanted to switch it up and give her a fun edgier look for summer!” We’re totally into them because they’er super versatile: they’re long enough to style out of her face, yet short enough to actually wear as bangs.